Thursday, October 28, 2010

Challenged Athletes Foundation Half Ironman, Part 2

Beth demonstrates transition in Picture 6 as she transforms from seal to cycle. In the background (yellow jersey) is Ralph, a polio athlete who does the swim with his arms, and transitions to a racing wheelchair for the run part of the course. Behind him is Bryon, a young physician whose disability prevents him from doing his specialization, and he does mainly distance hand cycling in the run and/or bike events.

In Picture 7 I am tooling into the finish area with Dr Terry, my escort, in faithful attendance. My early derailleur problems (and probably the new pitavistatin they started me on 3 weeks earlier) resulted in severe and constant hamstring cramps for the last 10 miles of the ride, including Torrey Pines road. Super hydration and electrolyte supplements were just enough to allow me to ride in my lowest 3 gears. I had fortunately discovered a work-around to the shifting problem - after mile 35 - so was able to finish the race, but at a ridiculously slow pace of about 1 hour slower than my normal times!

Picture 8 is the reason for the fundraising and racing. This 2 year old boy, the second youngest current CAF athlete, toddled gleefully through his first kids run, precisely 2 weeks after CAF supplied him with his prosthetic legs. Watching him chase other kids and play ball was a truly amazing experience, and I really appreciate the efforts of everyone in getting me to this event. I wouldn't have missed it for anything, and plan on making this an annual event!

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