Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Volunteers Needed for a Metro Bike Study!

I just received the following from Steve Crosley, Senior Transportation Planner at Fehr & Peers. If you are interested, please contact them directly.

Volunteers Needed for a Metro Bike Study!

Metro is looking for volunteers to help study the sustainability benefits of the Metro Orange Line and its integrated bikeway. We’re trying to determine how the bikeway and storage facilities have encouraged alternative travel modes, reduced car usage, and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

We need your help to survey bike riders, walkers, and even park-and-riders who are boarding the Metro Orange Line and to count bike and pedestrian trips on the Orange Line bikeway. This is positioned to be a pioneering new study and would help make the case to include bicycle facilities in every new transit infrastructure project Metro builds.

The survey dates: Wednesday, December 9th & Saturday, December 12th.

Eight (8) stations on Wednesday, December 9th, from approximately 6:00AM - 2:00PM.

Two (2) stations on Saturday, December 12th, from approximately 10:00AM - 4:00PM.

We’d like to staff each station with several volunteers, at 2-hour intervals. Can you help us by volunteering?

Please visit the website below to read more and submit contact information or sign up for a volunteer slot.


Questions? Please contact Steve Crosley at 310-458-9916 or s.crosley@fehrandpeers.com

Thanks for your interest!

1 comment:

  1. woo-hoo!!! Go bike commuters! Count folding bikes TWICE....
