Detail Pictures of the Carbent HPV Raven

We frequently get requests for detailed pictures of the Carbent HPV framesets. We finally had one in that I was able to attack with the camera prior to being built. This bike is being built for Tim Woudenberg, and will be ridden in solo RAAM this year!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New videos on our YouTube channel

We were having trouble uploading some of our larger videos onto this site, so we created a YouTube channel for your enjoyment!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

So, how do you train for RAAM?

I get asked this question a do you train for 4-person Race Across America? Here is a brief glimpse into a week of training. Note, this schedule allows me to balance family and work with training while giving me some good, intense workouts:

Jim (JV), one of our racers, has me and Willie on training programs using Powertaps. My current threshold level is about 230w, and all of my training is based around this number. To give you an idea of what a typical week looks like, I will do threshold training on Monday...warm up and then spend 30-35 minutes at threshold, usually climbing Trash Truck Hill over by Griffith Park. This road climbs about 900 feet over 4ish miles, and is good for about a 25 minute run at threshold. Warm up and cool down make for a 1.5 hour workout with some good intensity. Tuesday is easy riding to and from work.

Wednesday is a tempo day - a bit lower intensity than threshold, but longer duration. I have a great 30 mile commute into work along Foothill that gives me up to an hour of tempo work on rolling terrain with minimal traffic and lights. Thursday and Friday are more light, recovery days.

Saturday is my 2-3 hour ride, generally doing an hour or more at tempo plus some threshold work. If I'm riding with a group, I don't spend a lot of time watching the exact numbers. If riding solo, I will try to do the workout in one stretch....this Saturday is two hours of tempo, so I will probably do 8-9 loops around Balboa Park. While not very interesting, there are few lights and the terrain doesn't vary much - perfect for tempo work!

Sunday I am off the bike.

Next week is a rest week, and then who know what JV has in store for me! Basically, I assume it will get more intense and no distance riding, per se. 3-4 hours tops.