I remember the first Catrike I rode. I was still working out of the garage and a customer wanted to trade in his Speed for something else. I thought, "Great! This will give me an opportunity to test ride one!" I remember bombing down La Tuna Canyon at about 40 mph...the trike was stable and fast! Given my only other trike experience was with a Terratrike 3.3, this experience was a revelation. I immediately got in touch with Paulo (at that time, it was just Paulo) and started selling Catrikes. Now, as one of the largest Catrike dealers in the country, we are continually amazed at the innovation, spirit and enthusiasm we see every time we call the Catrike factory. Paulo, Lynn, Mark, Chaim, and the rest of the gang...thank you for some wonderful trikes!
And speaking of innovation, Catrike is now moving into the two-wheeled recumbent world. Check out this teaser video...we are expecting our first Musashi on February 22nd.